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Gruppo Ingegneria Torino
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Stefano Crocioni


Geom. Stefano Crocioni

Stefano Crocioni was born in Turin in 1982 and obtained the diploma of Surveyor in 2002.

He has been a member of the Board of Surveyors of Turin and Province since 2007 and is qualified as Safety Coordinator in the Design and Execution phase of works in temporary or mobile construction sites in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 81/08 and subsequent amendments and additions.

From 2003 to 2009 he collaborated with an engineering firm in Turin in the design and supervision of works for fuel distribution plants located in the Piedmont region.

In Gruppo Ingegneria Torino he holds the role of PM for Public Works within hydraulic/construction projects. In the design phase, he carries out the function of topographical surveys, coordinating the graphic and accounting part, as well as assisting the DL-CSE (Director of works and Safety Coordinator in the Execution Phase) on construction sites.

He is a founding partner of Gruppo Ingegneria Torino S.r.l. and co-head of the Computations and Graphics sector.

Sectors of competence